Books and Resources in English: |
Libros y Recursos en Español: |
Books already obtained during LEMP:
- Catholic Study Bible.
2nd edition. Donald Senior, ed. Oxford University Press, 2006. – or another “study edition” of the full Bible, with good introductions, notes, maps, indices, and other study aides; preferably with the NAB or NRSV translation.
- Documents of Vatican II.
(1962-1965) – available in various editions, from several publishers, esp. translations of Flannery or Abbott; full text online at
- Catechism of the Catholic Church.
2nd edition, 2003. – various editions from several publishers; full text online at
- United States Catholic Catechism for Adults
. USCCB, 2006.
- Catholic Basics. - series of eight short volumes. Loyola Press, 2002.
- Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord: A Resource for Guiding the Development of Lay Ecclesial Ministry. USCCB, 2005. – online at
- Encuentro and Mission: A Renewed Pastoral Framework for Hispanic Ministry. USCCB, 2002. – online at
- Prior USCCB documents on Lay Ministry, available online:
Recursos obtenidos durante el PMEL:
- Una Biblia Católica que tiene introducciones a cada libro, varias mapas y buenas notas.
- Los Documentos del Concilio Vaticano Segundo. 1962-1965. – imprimidos de varias editoriales; disponible online en
- Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica. 2da edición, 2003. –
- Catecismo Católico de los Estados Unidos para los Adultos. USCCB, 2006.
- Fundamentos de la fe católica. [ocho libritos]. Loyola Press, 2006.
- Colaboradores en la viña del Señor: Un recurso para guiar el desarrollo del ministerio eclesial laico. USCCB, 2005. –
- Encuentro y misión: Un marco pastoral renovado para el ministerio hispano. USCCB, 2002. –
- Documentos anteriores de la USCCB sobre el ministerio laico:
- Otros libros de nuestros cursos mensuales - vea aqui
General Resources for Diaconate / Advanced Ministry Formation:
- National Directory for the Formation, Ministry, and Life of Permanent Deacons
. Washington, DC: USCCB Publishing, 2005. – 240 pp; $19.95; available online at
- Christian Prayer: The Liturgy of the Hours
. 1 vol. New York: Catholic Book Publishing, 1999. – 2080 pages; $37.00
- Gula, Richard. Just Ministry: Professional Ethics for Pastoral Ministers
. Paulist, 2010. – 271 pages; $19.95
- Basic Norms for the Formation of Permanent Deacons & Directory for the Ministry and Life of Permanent Deacons. Vatican: Congregation for Catholic Education & Congregation for the Clergy.
- Osborne, Kenan B. The Permanent Diaconate: Its History and Place in the Sacrament of Orders
. Mahwah, NJ: Paulist, 2007.
- Ditewig, William T. The Emerging Diaconate: Servant Leaders in a Servant Church
. Mahwah, NJ: Paulist, 2007.
- Keating, James. The Deacon Reader
. Mahwah, NJ: Paulist, 2006.
- Cummings, Owen F., William T. Ditewig, and Richard R. Gaillardetz. Theology of the Diaconate: The State of the Question
. Mahwah, NJ: Paulist, 2005.
- Ditewig, William T. 101 Questions and Answers on Deacons
. Mahwah, NJ: Paulist, 2004.
- Osborne, Kenan B. Ministry: Lay Ministry in the Roman Catholic Church : Its History and Theology
. Mahwah, NJ: Paulist, 1993.
Recursos generales para el programa del AMF / Diaconado:
- Directorio Nacional para la Formación, Ministerio y Vida de los Diáconos Permanentes en EE. UU. USCCB, 2005 – 240 pp; $12.95; disponible en
- Liturgia de las Horas para los Fieles. Buena Prensa / Liturgical Press, 2006. – 1270 paginas; tapa dura; $36.95 (ISBN: 978-0-8146-2821-8; out of print?)
- o - Liturgia de las Horas: Edición popular . Liturgical Press, 2006. – 584 paginas; en rústica; $18.95 (ISBN: 978-0-8146-4196-5)
- (solamente en ingles)
Year 3: Specific Resources for Biblical Studies:
(see for publication details)
- Witherup, Ronald D. Biblical Fundamentalism: What Every Catholic Should Know
. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2001. – 104 pages; $12.95
- Frigge, Marielle, OSB. Beginning Biblical Studies
. Winona, MN: Anselm Academic, 2009. – 197 pages; $29.95
- Brown, Raymond E. An Introduction to the New Testament
. New York: Doubleday, 1997. – 928 pages; $60.00
- RSV Synopsis of the Four Gospels
. New York: American Bible Society, 2010.
- Bonneau, Normand. The Sunday Lectionary: Ritual Word, Paschal Shape
. Liturgical Press, 1998. – 192 pages; $24.95
- Bechard, S.J., Dean, transl. The Scripture Documents: An Anthology of Official Catholic Teachings
. Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 2002. – many available online at
- A one-volume Bible Dictionary
(e.g. HarperCollins; or Eerdmans)
- A one-volume Biblical Commentary
(e.g. New Jerome; HarperCollins; Collegeville)
- A large Bible Atlas
(e.g. Collegeville, Oxford, HarperCollins)
- Access to some multi-volume Bible Commentaries, esp. on the Gospels (e.g. Sacra Pagina series, by The Liturgical Press)
- Lectionary for Mass: Study Edition
. Volume 1: Sundays and Solemnties. Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications, 1998.
Año 3: Recursos específicos para las sagradas escrituras:
- Witherup, Ronald D. Fundamentalismo Biblico: Lo que todo catolico debe saber
. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2001. – 95 paginas; $10.95
- (solamente en ingles)
- Brown, Raymond. Introducción al Nuevo Testamento. Madrid: Trotta, 2002. – ¡más que $200.00! - obtenga en ingles
- (solamente en ingles)
- (solamente en ingles)
- (solamente en ingles)
- Un Diccionario Bíblico en un volumen (por ejemplo: HarperCollins; or Eerdmans).
- Un Comentario Bíblico en un volumen (por ejemplo: New Jerome; HarperCollins; Collegeville).
- Un Atlas Bíblico (por ejemplo: Collegeville, Oxford, HarperCollins)
- Acceso a Comentarios Bíblicos mas grandes, esp. sobre los evangelios (por ejemplo, la serie “Sacra Pagina” de Liturgical Press)
- Acceso al Leccionario (edición en español).
Year 4: Specific Resources for Liturgy & Sacraments:
Año 4: Recursos específicos para la liturgia y los sacramentos:
Year 5: Specific Resources for Service & Special Topcis:
- Fred Kammer. Doing Faithjustice: An Introduction to Catholic Social Thought. Revised ed. 2004. –
- Kevin E. McKenna. A Concise Guide to Catholic Social Teaching. Concise Guide Series. 2002. –
- Kenneth R. Himes. Responses to 101 Questions on Catholic Social Teaching. 2001. –
- Peggy Prevoznik Heins. Becoming a Community of Salt and Light: Formation for Parish Social Ministry. 2003. –
- Tom Ulrich. Parish Social Ministry: Strategies for Success. 2001. – $15.95
- Walter J. Burghardt. Preaching the Just Word. 1998. –
Año 5: Recursos específicos para el servicio y otros asuntos: