Class Meetings: T/Th 3:30-5:15 p.m., LM 365 USF
Course Number: 0125-160-02
Office Hours: by appt. Office: CAT 6 (Welsh Field trailers are now closed; email or call me to make an appointment)
Email: fnjustatusfca.edu Home Phone: 415-422-5302
Click here for the Detailed Schedule of Readings
Syllabus - Spring 2006
Course Description and Learning Outcomes:
This core course is intended to enliven your understanding and appreciation of Christianity, overall, by studying some of the social, historical, cultural, literary, and theological dimensions of the Bible, both the Old and New Testaments, in particular. We will consider the original meaning of the Bible in its ancient contexts, as well as its modern significance and application for our own lives and communities. As a result of this course, the student will be expected:
1) To have a basic familiarity with the content and literary genres of the whole Bible:
- we will read much of the 46 OT and 27 NT books, which include many different literary genres.
- we will learn how these ancient texts differ from one other and from modern literary works.2) To be able to read the Bible critically, in the light of its social, historical, cultural, and religious contexts:
- we will learn some highlights of Ancient Near-Eastern, Judeo-Christian, and Greco-Roman history.
- we will investigate some important aspects of ancient cultures, which are vastly different from our own.3) To know the presuppositions of Catholic biblical interpretation, esp. applying the "both/and" approach:
- we will read some key official ecclesial documents that explain the Catholic approach to the Bible.
- we will consider the literal and spiritual meanings of texts, and apply several different exegetical methods.4) To have improved basic academic skills, including critical reading, research, writing, and discussion skills:
- we will practice raising questions that challenge unspoken assumptions and explore new areas.
- we will endeavor to look for multiple answers, rather than being satisfied with simplistic solutions.5) To understand the academic study of theology as an essentially inter-disciplinary enterprise:
- we will incorporate insights from the fields of history, archaeology, literature, language, art, science, etc.
- we will also ask about the specifically theological meaning and religious relevance of the texts.6) To appreciate the continuing relevance of the Bible, Christianity, and religion in general in our world today:
- we will consider how biblical texts are applicable to spirituality, prayer, liturgy, politics, and social justice.
- we will discuss the interplay between religious texts, personal faith, community praxis, and ecclesial structures.For the official "learning goals" of USF's Core Curriculum, see also http://www.usfca.edu/acadserv/catalog/.
Required Textbooks and Instructional Materials:
An "Educational Covenant":
The process of teaching and learning requires attention to several basic principles:
a) respect for one another; b) respect for the subject material; c) respect for the learning process.
To make these principles concrete:
I, the professor, promise to: You, the student, promise to: · be well-prepared for each class
· be serious and enthusiastic about the course
· be respectful of your views and experiences
· be attentive to your struggles and progress
· be available to you outside of the classroom
· not eat or drink or use cell phones during class
· bring all materials needed for instruction
· explain the format and content of exams
· let you know ASAP if class must be cancelled
· start and end class on time each day· be well-prepared for each class
· be serious and enthusiastic about the course
· be respectful of my and other students' views
· be responsible for your own work and progress
· participate fully in class activities and discussions
· not eat or drink or use cell phones during class
· always bring your Catholic Study Bible to class
· study carefully and thoroughly for all the exams
· inform me if you have an unavoidable absence
· be on time, and remain for the whole class
Course Work and Expectations:
This syllabus may be modified slightly during the semester, as announced in class and on the course website.
Affirmation of Acceptance:
We, the undersigned student and teacher, agree to abide by all the aforementioned stipulations of this syllabus, including the "Educational Covenant" and the "Course Work and Expectations," to the best of our ability.
Student's Name (print): ___________________________________ Date: ___________________________________
Student's Signature: ______________________________________ Instructor: _______________________________
See also the Detailed
Schedule of Readings
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