by Felix Just, S.J., Ph.D.
Written communications today follow some fairly common and standard formats:
Most letters written in the ancient world also followed a standard format, but one which is slightly different from today. The New Testament letters that were written by and/or attributed to Paul and the other Apostles usually follow the standard expectations of their day. Although there are some variations in individual letters (esp. in the body and conclusion), the basic structure of the New Testament letters can be outlined as follows:
I) Letter Beginning
II) Letter Body
III) Letter Conclusion
A careful consideration of exactly which verses of each letter belong to each of these standard sections (or which are missing) can lead to some important observations about the nature and message of that letter.
Abbreviations: CJ = "Christ Jesus"; JC = "Jesus Christ"; Square Brackets [ ] indicate verses that do not quite fit the typical section descriptions.
Letter: | 1 Thessalonians | [2 Thess] | 1 Corinthians | Philippians (see below for partition theory) |
Philemon | 2 Corinthians (see below for partition theory) |
Galatians | Romans |
I) Letter Beginning: Sender(s): From whom |
1:1a - Paul, Silvanus, & Timothy | 1:1a - Paul, Silvanus, & Timothy | 1:1 - Paul an apostle, & our brother Sosthenes | 1:1a - Paul & Timothy, servants of CJ | 1a - Paul prisoner of CJ & Timothy our brother | 1:1a - Paul apostle of CJ & Timothy our brother | 1:1-2a - Paul an apostle of God & all those with me | 1:1-6 - Paul a servant of JC, called to be an apostle. |
Recipient(s): To whom |
1:1b - to the Church of the Thessalonians in God Father & Lord JC | 1:1b - to the Church of the Thessalonians in God Father & Lord JC | 1:2 - Church of God in Corinth and all who call on Jesus! | 1:1b - to all saints in CJ in Philippi, with bishops & deacons | 1b-2 - to Philemon, Apphia, Archippus, & house church | 1:1b - Church of God in Corinth and all saints in Achaia | 1:2b - to Churches of Galatia | 1:7a - to all God's beloved in Rome, called to be saints |
Formulaic Greeting | 1:1c - Grace to you and peace | 1:2 - Grace to you and peace from God Father & Lord JC | 1:3 - Grace to you and peace from God Father & Lord JC | 1:2 - Grace to you and peace from God Father & Lord JC | 3 - Grace to you and peace from God Father & Lord JC | 1:2 - Grace to you and peace from God Father & Lord JC | 1:3-5 - Grace & peace from JC, who gave himself for our sins. | 1:7b - Grace to you and peace from God Father & Lord JC |
Thanksgiving (or Blessing) |
1:2-10 - faith, love, & hope & 2:13-16 - for accepting God's word |
1:3-4 - faith & love growing & 2:13-15 - God chose you for salvation |
1:4-9 - grace, riches, wisdom, spiritual gifts given to strengthen you | 1:3-11 - you share in the Gospel, in righteousness & love | 4-7 - love, faith, sharing, joy & encouragement | 1:3-11 - Blessed be the God of JC, Father of mercy & God who consoles | X [1:6-10 - "I am amazed."] |
1:8-15 - faith & spiritual encouragement |
II) Letter Body: Initial Exhortation |
2:1-12 - follow Paul's example 2:17--3:13 - Paul's relation to Xns in Thessalonica |
[1:5-12] - God's judgement at the revelation of Jesus | 1:10-17 - appeal for unity, not division in the community | 1:12-30 - spread of the Gospel | 8-10 - appeal on behalf of Onesimus | 1:12–2:13; 7:5-16 - on reconciliation | [1:11–2:21 - Paul's life & preaching] | X |
Thesis Statement | ? | ? | 1:18 - message of the cross: foolish or powerful? | [2:1-2 - be united in mind & love] | [11 - word-play: useless/useful] | ? | 1:11-12 - Paul's Gospel is from JC 2:15-21 - justification thru the faith of CJ |
1:16-17 - gospel is the power of God for salvation thru faith |
Theological Discussions | 4:13–5:11 - death, resurrection & the parousia | 2:1-12 - events before the coming of JC | 1:19–4:21 - true wisdom in JC [5:1--15:58 also very theological] |
2:1–3:1 - unity & humility in CJ [3:2--4:1 - against circumcision] |
11-16 - freedom & brotherhood | [2:14--7:4 - Paul's role as apostle] | 3:1–5:12 - the Law & Faith; Abraham; Hagar vs. Sarah | 1:18–11:36 - law, sin, faith; Adam, Abraham, Jesus; baptism, death, life |
Ethical Admonitions | 4:1-12 - live God's will; love one another 5:12-22 - life in community |
3:6-15 - warnings against idleness & disobedience | 5:1–15:58 - about the Corinthians' problems & questions | 4:2-9 - Euodia & Syntyche; Rejoice always | 17-21 - repaying debts; obedience | [10:1–13:10 - warnings against false apostles] | 5:13–6:10 - lots of warnings; bear others' burdens | 12:1–15:21 - life in the body of Christ; mutual love |
III) Letter Conclusion: Practical Matters |
5:25 - pray for us | 3:1-5 - request for prayers | 16:1-14 - the collection, travel plans, warnings | 4:10-20 - thanks for gifts sent through Epaphroditus | 22 - prepare a guest room | [8:1-24; 9:1-15 - help the poor] 13:1-10 - Paul's third visit |
X | 15:22-33 - travel plans 16:17-20 - be careful of evil |
Individual Greetings | 5:26 - Greet all brothers & sisters | X | 16:15-18 - commending Stephanas.; 19-20 - from Asia greetings | 4:21-22 - greet saints in CJ; all saints greet you, esp. Caesar's house | 23-24 - greetings from five companions (cf. Col 4:10) | 13:11-12 - greet one another with holy kiss; all the saints greet you | X | 16:1-16, 21-23 - lots of greetings to Rome & from Corinth |
Personal Postscript | X | 3:17-18 - Paul marks every letter this way | 16:21-24 - a curse on those who don't love the Lord | X | 19 - I, Paul, write this with my own hand, I will repay | X | 6:11-17 - more warnings re. circumcision & the cross | X
[16:22 - by scribe Tertius] |
Prayer or Doxology | [3:11-13] 5:23-24 - May God sanctify you 5:28 - Grace of JC be with you. |
[2:16-17] 3:5, 16, 18 - May the Lord give you love peace & grace |
16:23-24 - grace of Lord Jesus & my love be with you in Christ | 4:20 - to God be glory 4:23 - grace of the Lord JC be with your spirit |
25 - grace of Lord JC be with your spirit. | 13:13 - grace of Lord JC, love of God, & communion of HS with all | 6:18 - grace of Lord JC be with your spirit. Amen. | [11:33-36] [15:13] 16:25-27 - to God be glory |
Letter: | 1 Thess | [2 Thess] | 1 Cor | Phil | Phlm | 2 Cor | Gal | Rom |
Letter: | 2 Thessalonians | Colossians | Ephesians | 1 Timothy | 2 Timothy | Titus | [Hebrews] |
I) Letter Beginning: Sender(s): From whom |
1:1a - Paul, Silvanus, & Timothy | 1:1 - Paul, apostle of CJ, and Timothy our brother | 1:1a - Paul, apostle of CJ by the will of God | 1:1 - Paul, apostle of CJ by command of God and CJ | 1:1 - Paul, apostle of CJ by will of God, for life in CJ | 1:1-3 - Paul, slave of God & apostle of JC... | X |
Recipient(s): To whom |
1:1b - to Church of Thessalonians in God Father & Lord JC | 1:2a - to saints & faithful in Christ in Colossae | 1:1b - to saints in Ephesus, faithful in CJ | 1:2a - to Timothy, my loyal child in the faith | 1:2a - to Timothy, my beloved child | 1:4a - to Titus, my loyal child in the faith we share | X |
Formulaic Greeting | 1:2 - Grace to you & peace from God Father & Lord JC | 1:2b - Grace to you & peace from God Father | 1:2 - Grace to you & peace from God Father & Lord JC | 1:2b - Grace, mercy & peace from God Father & CJ Lord | 1:2b - Grace, mercy & peace from God Father & CJ Lord | 1:4b - Grace & peace from God Father & CJ Savior | X |
Thanksgiving (or Blessing) |
1:3-4 - for faith & love growing & 2:13-15 - God chose you for salvation |
1:3-8 - for faith, love, hope; Gospel is bearing fruit | 1:3-14 - Blessed be God & Father of our Lord JC... & 1:15-23 - prayer of thanks |
X | 1:3-7 - for your sincere faith; rekindle God's gifts | X | X |
II) Letter Body: Initial Exhortation |
[1:5-12] - God's judgement at the revelation of Jesus | 1:9-14 - prayer for knowledge, wisdom, strength | [1:15-23 - in prayer form] | 1:3-20 - remain in Ephesus to preserve true doctrines | 1:8-18 - do not be ashamed of serving the Gospel | 1:5-16 - put the churches on Crete in order | X |
Thesis Statement | ? | [1:15-20 - Hymn to Christ] | [1:20-23 - God's power in Christ] | X | X | X | 1:1-4 - God has spoken thru his Son |
Theological Discussions | 2:1-12 - events before the coming of JC | 1:15–2:23 - salvation in Christ, not thru philosophy | 2:1–3:21 - life in CJ for the Gentiles | [2:1–6:19 - some theology mixed in] | 2:1–3:9 - faith vs. godlessness | X | most of 1:5–11:40 - Jesus, the great high priest, surpasses all |
Ethical Admonitions | 3:6-15 - warning against being idle | 3:1–4:6 - life in Christ; rules for Xn households | 4:1–6:20 - unity in the body of Christ; household code | 2:1–6:19 - rules for church leaders & community conduct | 3:10–4:8 - follow Paul's example of faith & suffering | 2:1–3:11 - teach sound doctrine & good works | 2:1-4; 3:7–4:16; 5:11–6:12; 10:19-39; esp. 12:1–13:19 |
III) Letter Conclusion: Practical Matters |
3:6-15 - warn against being idle | 4:7-9 - Tychicus & Onesimus sent; 4:16 - exchange letters w/ Laodicea | 6:21-22 - sending Tychicus, faithful minister | X | 4:9-18 - come soon; bring cloak, books & writings; beware of opponents | 3:12-14 - support the missionaries; come soon | 13:23 - Timothy has been freed |
Individual Greetings | X | 4:10-17 - from & to many people (cf. Phlm 23) |
6:23 - peace to the whole community | [6:20-21a - final admonition] | 4:19-21 - greet Prisca, Aquila, etc.; four others greet him | 3:15a - all here greet you; greet those who love us | 13:24 - greet all the leaders & saints |
Personal Postscript | 3:17-18 - Paul marks every letter this way | 4:18a - remember my chains | X | X | X | X | [13:22 - bear with my exhortation] |
Prayer or Doxology | 3:5, 16, 18 - May the Lord give you love peace & grace | 4:18b - grace be with you | 6:24 - grace to all who have undying love for our Lord JC | 6:21b - grace be with you | 4:22 - Lord be with your spirit; grace be with you | 3:15b - grace be with all of you | 13:20-21, 25 - may God of peace make you complete; grace be with all of you |
Letter: | 2 Thess | Col | Eph | 1 Tim | 2 Tim | Titus | [Hebrews] |
The last seven letters of the NT (and the brief letter cited in Acts 15) are slightly different from the Pauline letters in form and structure, yet still follow the general conventions of ancient letters:
Letter: | James | 1 Peter | 2 Peter | 1 John | 2 John | 3 John | Jude | Acts 15:23-29 |
Letter Beginning: Sender(s): From whom |
1:1a - James, servant of God & of Lord JC | 1:1a - Peter, an apostle of JC | 1:1a - Simeon Peter, a servant & apostle of JC | 1:1 - "We" 2:1 - "I" |
1a - The elder | 1a - The elder | 1a - Jude, servant of JC, brother of James | 23b - The apostles & elders, your brothers |
Recipient(s): To whom |
1:1b - to twelve tribes in Dispersion | 1:1b-2a - to exiles of the Dispersion in Asia Minor | 1:1b - to those who received faith thru our God & Savior JC | 1:1 - "to you" 2:1 - "My little children" |
1b-2 - to the "elect lady" & her children (Xn church) | 1b - to beloved Gaius, whom I love in truth | 1b - to those called, beloved in God | 23c - to brothers in Antioch, Syria, Cilicia of Gentile origin |
Formulaic Greeting | 1c - "Greetings" | 1:2b - grace & peace be yours in abundance | 1:2 - grace & peace in knowledge of God & Jesus our Lord | X | 3 - grace, mercy & peace from God Father & JC | X | 2 - mercy, peace, and love | 23d - greetings |
Thanksgiving (or Blessing) |
X | 1:3-12 - for new birth in living hope | X | [1:1-4 - we preach so you may have fellowship & joy] | [4 - joy seeing children walking in truth] | [2-4 - a prayer in joy for his "children" walking in truth] | X | X |
II) Letter Body: Initial Exhortation |
1:2-4 - consider trials as joy | 1:13-16 - "be holy, for I am holy" | 1:3-15 - Peter's "testament" | [1:5-10 - walk in light, confess sins] | 5 - love one another | 5-8 - welcome; support traveling missionaries | 3 - appeal to contend for the faith | 24-27 - we heard that some have upset you |
Thesis Statement | [1:3 - testing of faith produces endurance & maturity | 1:22-25 - you've been purified & born anew | 1:16-21 - Christian teaching comes thru eyewitnesses & Holy Spirit | 1:5-10 - God is light; Jesus cleanses us from sin | 6 - love is "walking" acc. to the commandments | X | 4 - "ungodly intruders" pervert God's grace & deny Jesus | 28 - decision of the HS & of us not to burden you beyond the necessities |
Theological Discussions | [esp. 2:14-26 - faith without works is dead] | 1:17–4:19 - you are chosen race, royal priesthood, holy nation, God's own people | 2:1-22 - punishment for false teachers (cf. Jude 4-11) 3:3-18a - promise & delay of the Lord's coming |
2:1–5:21 mixed: God is love; children of God vs. antichrists | 7, 9 - deceivers & anti-christs deny Jesus | X | 5-19 - judgment on unbelievers & sinners | X |
Ethical Admonitions | 1:5–5:12 - many ethical points, esp. on speech & riches | [esp. 2:11–3:12 - "household code" & Christian suffering] | [mixed in throughout, esp. 2:10-22] | 2:1–5:21 mixed: love one another; abide in God | 8 - be on guard, not to lose reward | 11 - imitate good, not evil | 20-23 - build faith, pray, love, be merciful | 29ab - abstain from idolatry, blood, etc.; you'll be doing right |
III) Letter Conclusion: Practical Matters |
5:13-20 - prayers & anointing of sick; forgiveness for sinners | 5:1-10 - elders should humbly care for the flock | [3:15-16 - proper understanding of Paul's letters] | X | 10-11 don't welcome false teachers | 9-10 - problems with Diotrephes 12- welcome Demetrius |
X | X |
Individual Greetings | X | 5:13-14a - church in "Babylon" & "my son Mark" greet you; greet one another | X | X | 13 - sister church sends greetings | 15b - greet the friends by name | X | X |
Personal Postscript | X | 5:12 - written thru brother Silvanus | 3:1-2 - this my second letter... to remind you... | [5:13 - I write to you believers so you know eternal life] | 12 - more to write, but hope to visit | 13-14 - more to write, but hope to see you soon | X | X |
Prayer or Doxology | X | 5:11 - to Christ be power forever 5:14b - peace to all in Christ |
3:18b - to Lord/ Savior JC be glory now & eternally | [5:21 - keep away from idols] | X | 15a - Peace to you | 24-25 - to God, thru Jesus, be glory, majesty, power... | 29c - Farewell |
Letter: | James | 1 Peter | 2 Peter | 1 John | 2 John | 3 John | Jude | Acts 15 |
Another common practice in the ancient world was to collect and republish the letters of famous people like Paul. In this process, shorter letters were sometimes combined or other editorial changes made.
For example, what is normally called the "Second Letter of Paul to the Corinthians" (2 Cor) might be a compilation of what were originally between two and five separate letters. Some scholars use letters A-G to distinguish all the different letters Paul may have written to the Christians in Corinth, even though the NT contains only two canonical letters:
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