![]() image from the Michael Card website |
Album Title: Unveiled Hope Copyright: 1997 Covenant Artists Producer: Phil Naish Total Playing Time: 41:29 |
![]() image from the Michael Card website |
. SONG Length Scriptural Basis 1 Prelude 2:55 -- 2 The Unveiling 3:44 Rev 1 3 To the Overcomers 3:54 Rev 2—3 4 Holy, Holy, Holy 2:00 Rev 4:8 5 You Are Worthy 3:54 Rev 4:11; 5:9-10, 12-13 6 Salvation 2:51 Rev 7:10, 12, 15-17 7 Interlude 0:30 -- 8 The Dragon 4:06 Rev 12—13 9 The Song of the Lamb 3:01 Rev 15:3-4 10 The City of Doom 4:34 Rev 18 11 Hallelujah 3:35 Rev 19 12 New Jerusalem 4:46 Rev 21 13 Reprise 1:20 --
Hear the roaring at the rim of the world
See what every eye shall see
Behold He's coming with the clouds
Setting all the captives free
And those who longed to see this day
Will tremble with delight
As a sea of upturned faces there
Is bathed in endless light
I am the Alpha and the Omega
The One who is and was and is to come
Though I was dead, now I'm alive forever
Don't be afraid
I hold the keys, and I have come
Once the just and gentle Victim
Who it seemed was born to die
See Him now, a blaze of glory
As He moves across the sky
And that majestic silhouette
Who's come to take His bride
Still bears the healing wounds
Upon His hands and feet and side
The great unveiling of our hope
The promised Jubilee
The revelation of our God
It's all we longed to see
3) To the Overcomers (Rev 2—3)
I know your deeds, I've seen your service
I recognize the reputation of your lives
But I know you live near Satan's shadow
And I have seen your faithful struggles to survive
And to the one who overcomes I'll give the manna
He'll have a pure white stone with his own secret name
She will possess the morning star in all its splendor
All this and more for them because they overcame [2x]
So just hold on, do not grow weary
For I am He who searches hearts and minds
Behold I'm standing at the door and I am knocking
And the one who hears and opens it will find
That the one who overcomes will rule the nations
On the throne he'll sit beside me dressed in white
She will become a column in God's holy temple
They will all eat freely from the Tree of Life [2x]
The overcomers come to understand
That they are precious poems printed
In the palms of His hands
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty
Who was and is and is to come
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord
5) You Are Worthy (Rev 4:11; 5:9-10, 12-13)
I wept, for none was worthy to open the scroll
Or to look upon what it contained
Then a voice said, "See the Lion of the Tribe of Judah"
So I looked to the Lion and saw a Lamb that was slain
You are worthy to take up and open the scroll
For You are the Lamb that was slain
Glory and honor to the One on the throne
To the Lamb Who lives and reigns
Worthy is the Lamb that was slain
To receive power, wealth, wisdom, and strength
And honor and glory and praise evermore
Worthy is the Lamb that was slain
From every tribe and language
Every people and nation
Your blood purchased men for God
You won them a kingdom by Your salvation
And made them priests to serve our God
To serve our God
6) Salvation (Rev 7:10, 12, 15-17)
Behold, a blood-washed multitude before the throne of God
Day and night they serve Him in the temple
As the faithful throng wave their palms from every tribe and nation
A here-to-fore unheard of roar of joy and jubilation
Salvation belongs to our God
And to the One who's on the throne
Salvation belongs to the Lamb
To our God and to the Lamb alone
Amen, praise and glory, wisdom, honor, strength, and power
Be to our God forever and ever in this eternal glorious hour
They will never thirst again, neither will they hunger
For the Lamb will be their Shepherd
For the kingdom of this world's become the kingdom of our Christ
And God will wipe away the tears from each and every eye
Amen, praise and glory, wisdom, honor, strength, and power
Be to our God forever and ever in this eternal glorious hour
Salvation belongs to our God
A vile, enormous dragon with heads and horns and crowns
And a tail that swept the stars from heaven and cruelly cast them down
He lurked before the woman about to bear her Son
The One who'll rule the nations with a rod of iron
Now has come our salvation
The power and the kingdom of God
For the dragon is defeated
By the Word and the blood of the Lamb
Behold, a war in heaven reflected here on earth
And Michael and his angels fought for all their worth
That wicked ancient serpent who leads the world astray
The accuser of the brethren was beaten from the fray
Rejoice then, oh ye heavens
But woe to the earth and sky
For he is filled, filled with fury
He knows his time is brief
'Cause he knows his time is brief
9) The Song of the Lamb (Rev 15:3-4)
Victorious army with God-given hearts in their hands
A sea on fire, they all sing the song of the Lamb
Just and true are Your ways, King of Ages
So great and marvelous are all Your deeds
Oh Lord God Almighty, who will not fear You
And bring the glory to Your Name
A temple in heaven and angels with bowls in their hands
Smoke and glory, and the power of God to command
Yes, Lord God Almighty, Your judgments are true
They've slain saints and prophets, now give them their due
Come out of her, my people, and never go back again
For all her vulgar vanities have been heaped up as high as heaven
The nations drank her maddening wine, now God remembered all her crimes
She'll be paid back double for all that she has done
Fallen, fallen, fallen is Babylon
Fallen, fallen, fallen is the City of Doom
The queen of every dark desire
Fallen by famine, plague, and fire
Fallen is Babylon
Fallen is the City of Doom
Never will the sound of a song be heard in you again
Nor the voice of the bride and the bridegroom, nor the echo of the workers' din
Your merchants were the world's great men, by consumption's cult, your greed and sin
And you'll become a spectacle; they weep and mourn and cry
Woe, woe is Babylon, city of great power
Behold your doom, you'll be consumed in one single hour
Fallen, fallen, fallen, is Babylon
Fallen, fallen, you City of Doom
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Salvation and honor and glory belong to our God. Amen!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
See now the one who corrupted the earth is condemned
Death for the dark adulteress
Destroyed at last forever
By His judgments, just and true
He has avenged the blood of His saints
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
The Lord God Almighty has come now forever to reign. Amen!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Let all those who love Him give glory, rejoice, and be glad.
The wedding of the Lamb has come
The bride has made herself ready
And she shall wear linen bright and clean
Woven of the faithful acts of His saints
King of kings, and Lord of Lords
He is the King of kings, and Lord of Lords
King of kings, and Lord of Lords
King of kings, and Lord of Lords
Hallelujah! (8x)
I saw the Holy City
Descending from the sky
So brilliant with the light of God
The city is His bride
There is no temple in this town
No sun, no moon, no lamp
For God's own glory is it's light
Illuminated by the Lamb
And God Himself will wipe the tears
From every weeping eye
No death, no pain, no mourning cry
And every tear made dry
And now our God will dwell with them
The New Jerusalem
And He Himself will walk with them
The New Jersulaem
And so let all of those who thirst
Come now and drink for free
And to the one who overcomes
Come now and you will see
Behold the old has passed away
Now everything is new
The Alpha and Omega's words
Are trustworthy and so true
Then God Himself will wipe the tears
From every weeping eye
No death, no pain, no mourning cry
And every tear made dry
And He Himself will walk with them
The New Jersulaem